Our engagement party was great success! We all had such a wonderful time and I'm sure for those who I haven't spoken to since would all agree. After the engagement party come some massive thankyous.
Our list for these thankyous extends like an old roll of printer paper from the 90's! Thus, one may understand it has taken a little while for us (when I say us I mean Kristy; I have shocking handwriting), to hand write all of the thankyous we are sending out to those who made our party extra special<3.

Did I merely mention hand-write? I meant hand-made and hand-written - BOOM! Kristy has done such an amazing job by sourcing some beautiful screen-printed paper and cutting out some beautiful shapes. Awesomely amazing. I have also employed my non-existent photoshop skills in our "save the dates" that are being sent out.

Here is a taste of how last trip went...Seeya!