The truth... is for a two bedroom duplex housing two people - we have ALOT of stuff. As you may or may not have seen on Facebook... I have recently confessed my sins - I am a bulk-buying hoarder-holic. In attempt to rid myself of this demon, I decided that it was time I cleaned out the multiple boxes of crafting/beading supplies I accumulated whilst in Uni. No, I wasn't studying any type of creative artistic degree - I was studying the science of Nursing! The result of my DIY obsession was carting this around from rental to rental for the last 7+ years.
As I was cleaning out, I hyperventilated every time I opened another box and found more stuff in it. I see now, what I couldn't see back then. Why on earth did I think I needed this many beads, that many bag handles, a blister pack of pliers and a rainbow selection of wire?!? Even the fluffy feather things at the front of the table... I remember thinking at the time - 'these will be great for pulling apart to make earrings'. But instead of saying "I'll take this one black fluffy thing please" I obviously had a brain implosion and said "I'll take one in every colour. Yes, also in fluro green". The thought of how much I spent on everything was overwhelming. Seeing my pain my beautiful mother and cousin Meg volunteered their services to help me come to terms with removing the wares. Being hoarder-holic by nature, I saw parting with all of them as impossible and wasteful - but am very proud of the strength it took to only keep this much -
Yup! Thats all. Proud? I am. Couldn't have done it without my sponsors tho. The rest is packed into boxes to take to the markets. *sigh* I feel so much better already.
This weekend I finally committed and conquered the spare room.
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Spare Room Clean Out in Progress |
I should have taken photo's of the room in it's original state, but I plum forgot. And that being said, the shots I have taken are not so awesome as we don't have a zoom lens yet for our DSLR. And let's face it, I have no idea how to use the damn thing yet. Adam always complains that we have a great camera and I never use it. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't know how.. I am hoping that this blog forces me to pick it up more often and get some awesome skills, so that one day I will be able to take some photo's worthy of being hung on our whitebrickwall. Oh! It's raining. Sweet, that means the garden is getting watered, I have been on 10hr morning shifts and with the short days we've been having lately, I haven't seen the sun - or watered my plants. Distracted? Yes... so photo's of my spare bedroom success. |
There is even space in the cupboard! Everything else was sorted into storage boxes or market boxes. Thanks to Rossco and Adam as his handyman-in-training, we now have storage shelves that line 2 of the walls in our garage... but that boys and girls is a story for another day.So many people say that the first step is admitting that you have a problem. I confessed to my affliction to all my family and friends on the Facebook interwebs. And whilst I don't know what the rest of the steps are - I'm sure I have passed through a few of them with my beading and big room cleanout. I have also vowed to never purchase in bulk again - be it food, stationery DIY supplies. I'm on my way to recovery, and I'm feeling good.
Sweet Dreams. See you tomorrow.
(insert crazy horizontal spirit-fingers here).